Thomas Gordon Training

Hear Dr. Gordon describe how he realized the power of Active Listening over 50 years ago while counseling teenagers. From this experience, he saw the need to develop "training before trouble". This lead to the creation of Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)

Learn about Active Listening

Active Listening is one of the core skills taught and practiced in our leadership training program, Leader Effectiveness Training. Active Listening demonstrates to the person speaking/sharing, that you, the listener truly understand and empathize with them. You feed back what you heard in terms of the content and feeling from the other person. It's simply your best guess as to what they are experiencing. There are no questions or solutions or advising. Just listening.

Leadership Training - Active Listening

The skill of reflecting back the meanings and feelings of group members in order to test out the leader's understanding of their messages (empathic listening). Carl Rogers referred to it as "reflection of feelings."