1877 Darwin

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin wiki

Charles Darwin (1877)

First published in Mind, 2, 285-294.

"With respect to the allied feeling of sympathy, this was clearly shown at 6 months and 11 days by his melancholy face, with the corners of his mouth well depressed, when his nurse pretended to cry.

Jealousy was plainly exhibited when I fondled a large doll, and when I weighed his infant sister, he being then 15 1/2 months old.

Seeing how strong a feeling jealousy is in dogs, it would probably be exhibited by infants at an earlier age than that just specified, if they were tried in a fitting manner."

Charles Darwin 1809-1882 (English)

Naturalist (on sympathy)

Talks about sympathy

"the social instincts lead an animal to take pleasure in the society of its fellows, to feel a certain amount of sympathy with them, and to perform various services for them. "

"sympathy, which, as we shall see, forms an essential part of the social instinct, and is indeed its foundation-stone."