
Self Empathy Magazine

Self Empathy

    • Feeling into ones own experience.

    • Listening to ones one feelings and values/needs. (compassionate listening or NVC)

    • Integrating ones own internal feelings. (focusing)

    • Feeling into ones own visceral feelings by ones self. (mindfulness)

    • Feeling into ones own visceral feelings while being accompanied by an empathy buddy. (empathic listening)


"The ability to bring an empathic attitude to bear on one's own experience. Sometimes achieving self-empathy involves invoking an image of the client at an earlier age to reduce the self-blame and self-rejection that the individual carries. "

Glossary of Relational-Cultural Theory Key Terms - JBMTI

"Woman also have trouble bringing an empathic attitude to bear on themselves (sometimes called self-empathy, which Schafer has refereed to as "intrapsychic empathy"). Many woman do not develop dependable self-empathy because the pull of empathy for others is so strong, because females are conditioned to attend to the needs of others first, and because women often experience so much guilt about claiming attention for the self, even from self. "

Jordan, J.V. Empathy and the Mother-Daughter Relationship. Work in Progress. Stone Center for Developmental Services and Studies, Wellesley, MA, 1983.

(Jordan, 1994)

Relational development through mutual empathy

January 1997


relational models of development posit that human beings experience a profound need for connection with other people and that isolation is one of the primary, if not the primary, sources of suffering / this perspective emphasizes the integrative experience of being in and for the relationship / honor the intersubjective, relationally emergent nature of human experience what is empathy / empathy in therapy: self-empathy and empathy for others / empathic possibility: healing shame / mutuality in therapy / working with disconnections (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

The Self in Empathy: Self-empathy

Lidewij Niezink

April 23, 2019

(Barrett-Lennard, 1997)

The recovery of empathy--Toward others and self.

Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1997). The recovery of empathy--Toward others and self. In A. C. Bohart & L. S. Greenberg (Eds.), Empathy reconsidered: New directions in psychotherapy (pp. 103-121). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

(Sherman, 2014)

RECOVERING LOST GOODNESSShame, Guilt, and Self-Empathy

Nancy Sherman, PhD

"In this paper, I explore self-empathy as a component in the healing of moral injury in war. I have written recently on this subject, in The Untold War, and in particular, on how soldiers experience guilt as a response to good and bad moral luck, such as surviving buddies or causing their deaths by accident (Sherman, 2010). "

Self Empathy, by Marshall Rosenberg