(Hojat 2009)
Ten approaches for enhancing empathy in health and human services cultures.
by Mohammadreza Hojat
"Empathy has been considered as far too important to be taught only to health professionals (Ivey, 1971; 1974).
Others have suggested that the capacity for empathy in people in general can serve as a foundation for building interpersonal relationships that have a buffering effect against stress and can be an essential step in conflict resolution (Kremer & Dietzen, 1991).
As the author has noted "empathy can be viewed as a remedy for the psyche and soul of human kind...And may be it can serve as a means of achieving a global peace here, there, everywhere on earth." (Hojat, 2007, p. 214).
To enhance empathic understanding in health and human services, we need not only a broad reform in the health and human services education at undergraduate and graduate levels, but also in training the hospital staff, staff of the assisted-living environment, as well as health services administrators and executives. Clinical and organizational managers in health care institutions and human services organizations should develop well-designed and effective institutional-wide programs to retain, cultivate, and enhance a culture of empathic understanding based on approaches described in this article and other innovative approaches."
Methods Outline
Improving Interpersonal Skills:
Audio- or Video-Taping of Encounters with Patients:
Role Playing (Aging Games):
Shadowing a Patient (Patient Navigator):
Hospitalization Experiences:
Study of the Arts:
Improving Narrative Skills:
Theatrical Performances:
Balint Method:
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