(VanCleave 2007)

Empathy Training for Master's Level Social Work Students Facilitating Advanced Empathy Responding

DOI or Website Link:

Publication: (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3278305)

Authors: VanCleave, D.

Date: (2007).



VanCleave, D. (2007). Empathy training for master's level social work students facilitating advanced empathy responding (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3278305)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of empathy training for master's level social work students at the University of Southern Indiana. The study compared those who had been exposed to master's level curriculum, that included components of empathy, with those students who received additional empathy training.

The quasi-experimental, pretest and posttest quantitative design considered

(a) expert evaluated videotapes, using Carkhuff's Index for Communication scripts (CIC), and

(b) the perspective taking and empathic concern subscales of Davis' Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), as a self-inventory.

An enrollment of 45 master's level social work students participated from the eight cohorts during the 2006 and 2007. Group assignments were made by coin toss, with 22 participants selected for the training group and 23 participants selected for the control group. The proposed research promoted researcher-led, finite training strategies useful for curriculum development and continuing education. The t tests proved statistically significant for empathy response training. The t tests were not statistically significant for a one-time viewing of media to induce perspective taking and empathic concern. The study met some pre-established objectives to provide one training model that has adaptability and flexibility, using a student-centered model.

Further studies may establish positive outcomes for use of commercial films for perspective taking. Research that utilizes follow-up studies could determine long-term benefits from empathy response training.

Quotes: (Any pithy quotes)

Topic Area: (In which field / sector / perspective was this study conducted?)

Definition: (How was empathy defined?)

Benefits: (Were any benefits of empathy mentioned?)

Criticisms (Were any criticisms, negative effects or risks of empathy mentioned?)

Methods: (What were the methods used to train empathy?)

Target Group: (Who participated in this study / training?)

Measurements: (About the assessment: How was the change in empathy measured before/after the intervention/method?)

Result: (What was the result?)

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Notes: (Any other relevant information)
