
"Given the correlates of empathy, one can logically predict that narcissism and empathy would be negatively related, and indeed several studies confirm this relationship (e.g., Watson, Biderman, & Sawrie, 1994; Watson, Grisham, Trotter, & Biderman, 1984; Watson & Morris, 1991).

The most consistent finding in these studies is a negative correlation between the most problematic scales of narcissism (i.e., exploitativeness and entitlement) and the most desirable scales of the IRI (i.e., EC and PT).

In other words, people scoring low in EC and PT are especially antisocial. (from Konrath, Sara H.; O'Brien, Edward H.; Hsing, Courtney (2011): Changes in dispositional empathy in American college students over time: a meta-analysis. In: Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc 15 (2), S. 180-98. DOI: 10.1177/1088868310377395.)"