(Barkai + 2009)

Southwestern University Law Review, Vol. 13, pp. 505-529, 1983

17 Jul 2009

John Barkai

University of Hawaii - William S. Richardson School of Law

Virginia O. Fine


This article describes a systematicallly designed training program intended to assist lawyers and law students in developing empathic communication skills that will facilitate initial rapport between them and their clients. Most people would describe these skills as 'active listening' or 'empathy statements.' The program empirically demonstrates that with only four hours of training lawyers and law students can learn to respond empathetically to clients. The article also advances arguments that explain why empathetic responses are important for lawyers, and reviews the literature on empathy training in other disciplines.




seeing the 7 steps of listening, I did not find it well done. They didn't ask, are you saying and try to reflect.. Seems to me the author really missed the point.