Imaginative Empathy

"Imaginative empathy is one of the great gifts that humans have, and it means that we can live more than one life. We can picture what it would be like from another perspective." Dan Chaon

This builds on the self empathy. Like the Russian doll, this adds imagination on the basic empathy of feeling into your own experience.

We can imagine ourselves in unlimited different situations and roles and be aware of the feelings associated with them.

1. I can imagine going to the store. I walk in my minds eye to the store, I imagine walking down the street. It realize it's raining so I know I need to take an umbrella.

2. I imagine myself in the future. Having now money and living on the street. Feeling down, no one cares, suffering. So I work harder now to build security and save to avoid this.

3. I am an actor. I am given a roll of being Julia Child's. I imagine and act out the feelings she has.

4. Einstein imagines being a beam of light.

5. In a role play. I'm given the role of a worker feeling tired, pained and exhaust by being picked on and demeaned by his boss. I have a dialogue with an actor who plays the boss.


Standardized Patients Teach Skills and Empathy

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Nearly all U.S. medical schools now employ standardized patients (SPs), also known as simulated patients or simulated participants. Educators coach these lay people to portray patients in realistic situations as a means to help medical students learn how to grapple with sensitive issues."

[actors role play being patients so that doctors can practice and get feedback dealing with patients.]

At a certain age children start being able to take the perspective of other. between 3 and 4 years old.

Sally Anne Test

False Belief test.

Theory of mind - Smarties task and Sally-Anne Task