(GREENBERG + 2001)

"How Does Empathy Lead to Good Outcome?

Four factors have been identified theoretically as potential mediators between empathy and outcome. Three of these are the processes of empathy as a relationship condition, as a corrective emotional experience, and as a cognitive-affective processing condition. The fourth factor has to do with the role of the client as an active self-healer.

  • Empathy as relationship condition....

  • Empathy as corrective emotional experience....

  • Empathy and cognitive-affective processing...

  • Empathy and the client as active self-healer...."



Psychotherapy Volume 38/Winter 2001/Number 4

  • LESLIE S. GREENBERG - York University

  • JEANNE C. WATSON - University of Toronto

  • ROBERT ELLIOTT - University of Toledo

  • Arthur C. Bohart - Saybrook Graduate School and Research Institute


"After defining empathy, discussing its measurement, and offering an example of empathy in practice, we present the results of an updated meta-analysis of the relation between empathy and psychotherapy outcome. Results indicated that empathy is a moderately strong predictor of therapy outcome: "