1959 Kohut

Heinz Kohut

1913-1981 (American)

Clinical psychologist - Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis

Main person to Introduce empathy in psychoanalysis. He considered empathy as a form of internal scientific inquiry.

  • the ability to respond to another’s experience helps us to more effectively and meaningfully interact in social situations

Kohut, H. (1959). Introspection, empathy and psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 7, 459–483.

Empathy: Abstract & Operational

Video: Heinz Kohut - Reflections on Empathy

Another reason to go back to empathy

I have a responsibility about the abuse of this concept.

Other's claim that empathy cures, I don't believe that at all.

Introspection and empathy as an informer of appropriate action.

Empathy can be used for kindness or hostility.

Absences of the mother, leads to emptiness, Analysis cures and empathy plays a role.