In Business

"I think empathy is everything. If you think about even in the business context for us, our job is to meet the unmet, unarticulated needs of customers. That's where innovation comes from. There's no way we could innovate without having the deeper sense of empathy," Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft

empathy can be a powerful catalyst for organizational growth and success on multiple dimensions, including:

  • 1. Innovation: As the field of design thinking and others have illustrated, breakthrough ideas often start from a simple premise: intimately understanding customers’ pain points and having a passion for helping customers solve them.

  • 2. Sales and service: An empathetic approach to sales or customer service means deeply understanding a particular prospect or customer’s needs, embracing them as your own and working collaboratively to solve them.

  • 3. Employee engagement: Empathy can be a powerful foundation for success with internal stakeholders as well.

Making Empathy Central to Your Company Culture

Jamil Zaki

MAY 30, 2019

"Empathic workplaces tend to enjoy

Still, despite their efforts, many leaders struggle to actually make caring part of their organizational culture. In fact, there’s often a rift between the culture executives want from the one they have."