(Hakansson 2003)

Exploring the phenomenon of empathy

Jakob Håkansson

Doctoral dissertation

Department of Psychology, STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY

Notes: A Relatively easy to read overview of empathy.



Definitions and theories of empathy 1

Historical views of empathy 1

Two influential contributions 3

Rogers’ contribution 3

Kohut’s contribution 6

Contemporary research on empathy 7

Hoffman’s research on empathy 9

Eisenberg’s research on empathy 10

Batson’s research on empathy 12

Davis’ research on empathy 15

Comments 17

Empathy and understanding 17

The process of understanding 17

The object of the understanding 18

Comments 19

Empathy and emotion 19

Target’s emotion 19

Empathizer’s emotion 20

Comments 20

Empathy and similarity of experience 21

Empathy related to similarity of experience in the literature 21

Empirical research on the role of similar experience 22

Comments 23

Empathy and concern for the other’s well-being 24

Comments 24

Empathy and moral principles 25

Comments 25

The “Simulation account” versus the “Theory account” of

empathy 26

Comments 27

Empathy and viewing the other as a subject versus an object 27

Comments 29

Aims of this thesis 29


Study I: Empathy as an Interpersonal Phenomenon 30

Background and aim 30

Method 31


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