
Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue)

Prof.dr. C.J. Rieffe

"The Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue) is a 20 item questionnaire filled out by parents, indicating the degree of empathy that their child (between 1 – 6 years old) showed over the last two months on a three-point-scale. To compute the total score, all 20 items can be included. The EmQue consists of three scales, which are i) Emotion contagion (6 items, item 19 is deleted from this scale due to a poor model fit, see publication); ii) Attention to others' emotions (7 items); and iii) Prosocial responses to others' emotions (6 items). "

The Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (EmQue-CA) is an 18 item self-report questionnaire that examines the level of empathy as reported by the child (9-16 years) in three domains: Affective empathy, Cognitive empathy, and Prosocial Motivation.

Netten, A. P., Rieffe, C., Theunissen, S. C. P. M., Soede, W., Dirks, E., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. M. (2015). Low empathy in deaf or hard of hearing (pre)adolescents compared to normal hearing controls. PLoS ONE, 10, e0124102. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124102

Pouw, L.B.C., Rieffe, C., Oosterveld, P., Huskens, B., & Stockmann, L. (2013). Reactive/proactive aggression and affective/cognitive empathy in children with ASD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1256-1266.

Here you can download different versions of the EmQue-CA:


The following statements are about your child’s behaviour over the last 2 months. Please answer them to the best of your ability, even if the behaviour mentioned in the statement does not seem to apply to your child. Please do not skip any questions! Please choose between the following alternatives: 

Not at all applicable (as far as you are aware of) A little or sometimes applicable Clearly or often applicable No Sometimes Often

1. When another child cries, my child gets upset too.

2. When I make clear that I want some peace and quiet, my child tries not to bother me.

3. When my child sees other children laughing, he/she starts laughing too.

4. My child also needs to be comforted when another child is in pain.

5. When another child starts to cry, my child tries to comfort him/her."
