(Riess 2015)

Title: The Impact of Clinical Empathy on Patients and Clinicians: Understanding Empathy’s Side Effects

DOI or website link:

Publication: AJOB Neuroscience

Authors: Helen Riess

Date: Volume 6, Issue 3, 2015



Targeted training in empathy can lead to improved clinician empathy by both enhancing perception through self- and other awareness, and optimizing empathic responses through self-regulation and perspective taking, which lead to empathic accuracy and improved patient satisfaction.

Topic Area:

(In which field / sector / perspective was this study conducted?)


(How was empathy defined?)

In the medical profession, empathy has been conceptualized as a communication competency between clinician and patient, in which the practitioner uses various perceptive routes leading to expressions of concern and compassion. These include perceiving sensory/affective cues to identify and transiently experience the subject’s emotional state (Hirsch 2007) and using cognitive abilities such as perspective taking to understand the patient’s experience (Singer and Lamm 2009). These may lead to a potential mutual understanding and helping behaviors from clinicians, or diverging responses leading to clinicians’ personal distress and distancing behaviors.


(What any benefits of empathy mentioned?)

"Trained physicians reported significant improvement in both the perceptive and responsive domains of empathy, which was confirmed by significant improvement in patient satisfaction scores. Trained physicians reported

  • (1) improved interpretation of patient nonverbal cues (91%);

  • (2) greater awareness of and ability to manage their own physiological reactions (96%); and

  • (3) greater awareness and management of their emotional reactions to patients (91%). Physicians were also trained in mindfulness breathing practices that enhanced selfregulation."


(What were the methods used to train empathy?)

    • "Providing “resilience rounds” for providers could enable them to be more empathic when making patient rounds in hospitals."

Target Group:

(Who participated in this study / training?)

  • Physicians


(About the assessment: How was the change in empathy measured before/after the intervention/method?)


(What was the result?)

Say empathy and empathy training in general leads to;

  • a virtuous positive cycle

  • improved clinician empathy by both enhancing perception through self- and other awareness, and

  • optimizing empathic responses through self-regulation and perspective taking,

  • which lead to empathic accuracy and improved patient satisfaction.

  • empathically connecting to patients makes doctors feel better.

Posted By: Edwin Rutsch

(Name of the person that posted this page)


(Any other relevant information)

Paper says:

  • Lots of benefits of empathy in medical practice

  • Physicians well-being is imperiled by the current system.

  • Clinical empathy is work (emotional labor)

  • Gives a definition of clinical empathy and how it works.

  • Situation could be improved with better empathy training.

  • There is confusion of definitions of empathy and compassion, etc

  • The Klimecki, singer ., et al. 2013, is an example of confusion.


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