Empathic Intervision



What Empathic Intervision is about


We develop, research, write about- and train Empathic Intervision in organisational settings.

Dr Katherine Train and Dr Lidewij Niezink have founded Empathic Intervision, a structured method of interaction for people working together to identify opportunities and co-create solutions to challenges. Empathic Intervision helps to achieve improved inter-collegial support, professional expertise, and improved quality of work. The layered empathic capacities embedded in the intervision process ensure that the perspectives of all members of the group are heard and considered, leading to solutions where all members are on board.

Empathic intervision is versatile: it can be a peer support and peer learning process as well as a method for co-creation, problem solving and decision making. It incorporates elements of warmth and care without losing sight of goals, precision and practicality.