(Slavin 1985)

Title: Cooperative Learning: Applying Contact Theory in Desegregated Schools."

DOI or Website Link:

Publication: JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 41/3 (1985): 45-62.

Authors: Slavin, R. E.

Date: (1985)



Slavin, R. E. "Cooperative Learning: Applying Contact Theory in Desegregated Schools." JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 41/3 (1985): 45-62.


  • Reviewed in Meta-study (COTTON)*

  • Reviews research on effects of cooperative learning on cross-racial friendships and discusses findings in relation to Gordon Allport's "contact theory," a set of principles detailing when interracial contact leads to improved relationships and when it does not. Cooperative learning has been found to enhance crossracial friendships. (COTTON)*


Quotes: (Any pithy quotes)

Topic Area: (In which field / sector / perspective was this study conducted?)

Definition: (How was empathy defined?)

Benefits: (Were any benefits of empathy mentioned?)

Criticisms (Were any criticisms, negative effects or risks of empathy mentioned?)

Methods: (What were the methods used to train empathy?)

Target Group: (Who participated in this study / training?)

Measurements: (About the assessment: How was the change in empathy measured before/after the intervention/method?)

Result: (What was the result?)

Posted By:

Notes: (Any other relevant information)
