(RYAN O'HARE 2016)


  • "Researchers in Holland focused on how testosterone affects empathy

  • In women given high doses of the hormone their brain activity changed

  • They were slower to recognise emotions and made more mistakes in tasks

  • The findings show that elevated testosterone can affect how brain regions communicate, reducing a person's ability to empathise with others.

In the study, led by Dr Peter Bos of Utrecht University, a small group of women was tested to see what effect testosterone had on how their brains processed empathy."


How can an understanding of the effects of testosterone help in teaching empathy empathy?

Based on Study

Title: Testosterone reduces functional connectivity during the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test


  • Peter A. Bos

  • Dennis Hofman,

  • Erno J. Hermans,

  • Estrella R. Montoya,

  • Simon Baron-Cohen,

  • Jack van Honk


  • Testosterone impairs cognitive empathy on the Reading the Mind in Eyes-test.

  • Using fMRI, we investigated how testosterone reduces cognitive empathy.

  • Testosterone reduced connectivity of the left IFG with the ACC and the SMA.

  • This network underlies integration of sensory information and action preparation."



  • block empathy raise testosterone

    • increase empathy - lower testosterone