LNF/DCF Summer 2024 Y2

Non Chronological Report

After our workshop with Animal Encounters we decided that we would like to carry out further research on each of the animals. We worked collaveratively to find out facts about the animals habitat, diet size and appearance. We used the information to write Non Chronological Reports to inform others about the animals. 

Gorilla by Anthony Browne

The book we are focusing on this half term is 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. We analysed the front cover and predicted what we thought the plot would be. We recorded our predictions on Flipgrid. 

Wow Adjectives

After reading the story we used a thesaurus to find quality adjectives to describe the Gorilla. We recognised that the Gorilla was portrayed differently throughout the story. We used the adjectives that we found to create 2 pair sentences to descibe the Gorilla. 

Gorilla - 2 pair sentences 8.5.24

Mini Beast Hunt

We explored the nature area and participated in a mini beast hunt. We found many minibeasts living in their habitats.  We used a tally chart to gather information and created bar charts to show the number of mini beasts that we found. 

Classification Key

We used 'j2e data' to create classification keys to sort and classify minibeasts. 

Oes anifeiliaid anwes gyda ti?

We practised the vocabulary for welsh animals and asked engaged in secondary oracy acctivities to become more confident using the question 'Oes _  gyda ti?' and the sentence patterns 'Oes mae __ gyda fi' and 'Nag oes does ddim ____ gyda fi. 

We asked our peers 'Oes ___ gyda ti?' and recorded their answers using a tally chart. We used the data to create a pictogram.