Spring 2024 

Should Wales leave the UK?

After reading a report in First News stating that "Welsh independence is Viable" and that "Leaving the UK could be a success for Wales", we decided to carry out a survey and ask parents, teachers and other children what they thought about the possibility of Wales leaving the UK. 

We presented our results in a pie chart and found that over 70% of the people that we asked, thought that Wales should remain part of the UK. 

Evan Bailey - Pie Chart: Should Wales Leave the UK?
Albie Welch-King - Pie Chart_ Should Wales Leave the UK_ - Sheet1 (2).pdf

The Decline and Incline of the Welsh Language and the Factors effecting it.

We discussed the usage of the Welsh Language in Wales, looking at the Census and analysing the figures for the century.

We then became interested in other languages used in the UK. We compared the Welsh language with the use of Gaelic in Ireland. The children analysed data and displayed this in a variety of ways. They concluded that Welsh speakers were fewer than Gaelic, but those who spoke Welsh used the language more often.

We analysed the data and thought of ways to increase the use of Welsh.

The childen generated graphs which reflected the use of Welsh and Gaelic from 1921 to 2021.

A map  representing percentage of Welsh speakers in each Welsh County.

Noah Mings - Percentage of welsh speakers in regions of Wales.pdf

A pie chart showing regional percentages.

Expressive Arts 

We looked at the work of local Artists Jenny Lambert and Rhiannon Roberts. The scenes we chose were throughout Wales and more specifically Pontypridd, home of the Eisteddfod 2024.

The children wanted to draw a dragon, particularly its' eye. 

We started with a pencil line study.

We then moved on to a study of the dragon eye, including scales.

A selection of colours were chosen.

Year 6 transformed their dragon eye designs into clay studies. They tried to replicates scales using a different medium, with a variety of tools.