Four Purposes Summer 2024 Year 5

Ambitious Aeron

Healthy Haf

Ethical Efan

Creative Cariad

Rhondda Dragons - Dodge ball

We had a fantastic morning with Scott from the Rhonnda Dragons! We learned so much more about the rules of dodge ball and working together and showing respect.


Teaching Year 6 to play Crugby

Dosbarth Gwyn have been learning to play Crugby (a mixture of cricket and rugby) and Year 6 heard all about it and wanted to learn to play too! We have had a fantastic time teaching and playing with them!

Dosbarth Gwyn collaborating with Year 4 , Dosbarth Du

In Dosbarth Du they are discovering and exploring the miner's strike for their 1980's topic. Last term, Dosbarth Gwyn had also learned all about the strike for their topic "Cynefin Cwmlai  - what is the history of the mystery of Tonyrefail?" so we had an afternoon of teaching Dosbarth Du - they had LOTS of questions for us and we were blown away by how much they had already learned! Bendegedig Dosbarth Du!

Sponsored Sports Event

What an amazing amount of money, the Sports Council raised  for new sports equipment - just over £4000! 

D-Day 6th June 1944

We spent the morning discovering all about D-Day on the 6th June 1944. First of all we had an assembly and then we had a morning of finding out more about landing on the beaches of Normandy. We were however particularly interested in code breaking so we learned all about Alan Turing, who was an English computer scientist and mathematician. We learned that he was a pioneer in the world of artificial intelligence and worked as a code breaker, cracking German coded created by Enigma. He played a vital role in the Allies' victory.


Look at the sheer joy and excitement on Jorgia's face when (with the help of Charlie and Jazmine) she solves the first riddle to help to decode messages!

Anti Social Behaviour training with Rhondda Cynon Taff

Drayton Manor!

A double page spread was completed on our fantastic school trip to Drayton Manor. Look at Jazmine's in depth  assessment.

Shine - Resilience

Rachel from Shine taught us more on being resilient and the strategies we could use. She showed us a link by Harry Kane..

We were asked about challenges we had faced, practiced deep breathing, completed a gingerbread man to show different emotions and that thoughts are not always facts.

Hate Crime training 

We had Hate Crime Training and were given the opportunity to show off our learning by being given the  choice of how to present our findings which ranged from a double paged spread in our topic books, to Google Docs to Adobe Express.