Autumn 2023 


Our Class text for the first half of the Autumn term was 'The Switch' by Anthony Horowitz. 

Our Class text for the the second half of the Autumn term was 'A boy called Christmas ' by Matt Haig. 

Dosbarth Efydd read Cool by Michael Morpurgo 

Welsh language loop cards 

During our Welsh lessons, the children were challenged to create a set of Rugby World Cup-themed, Welsh language loop cards. They used a variety of sentence patterns to give reasons why they wanted to visit each of the World Cup countries. These loop cards were printed and laminated and used regularly in class to revisit the 'Dw i'n mynd ....' sentence pattern. 

Motivational Team Talks

Ahead of Wales' quarter-final World Cup match against Argentina, the children decided to compose their very own, Warren Gatland-style motivational team talk. 

Christabel Peart - Motivational Speech for the Welsh rugby team
Harley Daniels - Motivational Speech for the Welsh rugby team

Recipe for the Greatest Rugby World Cup Final of all time

Tomos Williams - Recipe for the greatest Rugby World Cup Final of all time
Lois Jones - Recipe for the greatest Rugby World Cup Final of all time

Ysgrifennu Cerdyn Post

The children were challenged with writing a postcard to a friend or family telling them all about their trip to France. 

Should mobile phones be banned in Schools in Wales? 

The issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed in schools has become a hotly debated topic that has appeared numerous times in the First News Newspaper and BBC Newsround since September. With the children moving on to secondary school in September, this proved to be a topic that divided the class and one that sparked detailed discussions in class. During our literacy lessons, the children decided to research the positive and negative effects of allowing mobile phones in the education setting and produced a balanced argument to give their opinions on the matter.  

Thomas Drew - Balanced Argument


During our topic lessons we used a range of numeracy skills to find out the capacity for each of the world cup stadiums. 

The children investigated time zones in the countries competing in the RWC. The children learnt about the reasons for the different  time zones and calculated what time it would be in one country if it was a certain time in another. 

Coordinates and Scales 

The children used the eight points of a compass to describe major cities in France in relation to another. They also used a scale to measure the distance between different places and France and estimated the distance. 

Currency Exchange Rates

The children used the exchange rate formula to convert between Euros and Pounds.  They then went on to solve various real-life maths problems involving currency.   

Black Friday Sales 

The children used their numeracy skills to calculate the savings and the new prices during the black Friday Sales. 


Climate Data 

The children researched the average rainfall and average temperature for both Paris and Cardiff and used Google Sheets to present this data in a climate graph.  

Green Screen / Video Editing 

The children had lots of fun using the Green Screen and video editing software to record their conversations in French.  

Motivational Voice over Videos 

The children used the motivational team talks that we composed in their literacy lesson to create a voice-over video in Adobe Express. 

Click on the images to the right to watch the videos....... 

Interactive Information

During our topic lessons, the children used a variety of sources to research France. Using Seesaw, they created an interactive information board all about France. Click on the images below to find out more about France.  

Plan a Trip to the World Cup Final 

The children were given a budget of £4000 to plan a trip to France to watch the World Cup final. 

When planning the trip, children had to consider flights. tickets, accommodation and activities. 

Children used a variety of formulas in Google Sheets to keep a running balance and to calculate the remaining budget.  


The children developed their coding skills by programming a micro:bit to play a virtual game of 'Paper, Scissors, Rock'. The children enjoyed creating their own micro:bit tournament and playing against each other in class.  

Christmas Shopping Activity 

The Children were given a budget of £1000 to purchase Christmas gifts for their family and friends. The children accessed various websites in search of the best deals and kept a track of their spending in a 'Google Sheet'. Formulas were used to keep a running balance and to calculate the remaining budget. 

Minecraft for Education 

The children accessed Minecraft for Education through their HWB accounts to recreate the iconic French landmarks, the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe.