LNF/DCF - Spring 2024 Y3


At first, we focused our literacy skills on instructions, recipes, and persuasive posters. During our Sizzle lessons we focused on imperative verbs and time connectives, which helped us with our instructional writing and recipes.

After learning about the European countries, the children chose their favourite country and worked in a team to create a presentation. By putting together and presenting a presentation on a European country to the year group, children also improved their oracy skills.

Instructional Writing

Our genre for this term is instructional writing. Following the building of our pizzas, we carefully constructed our recipes, ensuring that the necessary time connectives and imperative verbs were  included.

Collecting Information

We read articles in partners scanning for relevant information. With the information we had gathered, we created a fact file. We used these fact files to create a mind map about Italy.

Persuasive Writing

Researching and exploring vocabulary.

The children created a glossary and explored and analysed new words.

Features of persuasive writing.

Following the discussion of various sentence openers, we talked about the structure of an effective and persuasive argument.

Persuasive argument.

We were given a country by our teacher, and we had to use the information we had learned that week to make a compelling argument for why ours was the greatest.

Presenting - developing our oracy skills

We gave the children a half-term project that required them to design their own country. The children demonstrated their oracy and presentation skills by presenting their respective countries to the class.

Wales  - Eistedfodd 

The children learned the national anthem for the Eistedffod handwriting competition, which proved to be a great way to start our topic on Wales.


A Recipe For Wales

The children brainstormed  words related to Wales and came up with adjectives to give the words a more exciting sound. After discussing what a recipe should look like, we developed a recipe for wales. The children communicated with one another and offered ideas to support each other's writing.

Literacy Book

This term, we are reading The Red Dragon of Wales. During our daily BOOST sessions, children read this book. We talked about the story and exchanged ideas about how we should compose our own narrative including a Welsh dragon. The children discussed about settings, characters, and story ideas as well as suggestions for what their story might be about.

Story Writing

The children had fun creating original stories about Welsh dragons. We spoke about what authors should put in their stories to keep readers interested. During our paired reading on World Book Day, younger pupils listened to the older pupils read their stories.



Beth wyt ti'n hoffi?

We have looked at the 7 Wonders of Wales this term. We explored the wonders and expressed our opinions in Welsh, using the sentence patterns 'Dw i'n hoffi .. and Dw i ddim yn hoffi...'. We took part in a secondary oracy task asking our peers to express their opinions. We used a tally chart to record the responses. 

We then answered questions to show our understanding of the data we had collected. We discussed with the class our findings and compared our findings with the other Year 3 class.



We learnt how to cut our pizzas into different sized fractions.  We practised adding fractions together and ordering them by size.


The children were given spaghetti sticks, marshmallows and a picture of the Eiffel Tower.  In mixed ability groups they were instructed to make the Eiffel Tower using the resources they had to hand.  The children had to estimate how tall their tower was, measure using different equipment such as a ruler, measuring tapes and blocks.  Finally, they had to compare the heights of the towers and order them by size.

Collecting Information and Demonstrating Understanding. 

After researching the Wonders of Wales, the children asked their peers in welsh which of the wonders was their favourite.  They collected the data as a tally chart, and answered questions to show their understanding.


Group Presentations

We have been using the chrome books to research on the internet to find out various information  for our topic.  We've worked in pairs, small groups and even collaborated on the same document.  Below are some examples of the work we have been doing.  To conclude the first part of our topic, we were put into groups and made a Google Slides presentation about one of the countries from our topic.  We took turns to present to each other and give feedback.