LNF / DCF coverage 


The Fart that changed the world

Throughout the autumn term we based our learning in literacy around the novel, "The Fart that Changed the World" by Stephen Mangan. 

Cam - to use specific vocabulary

We studied the characters and used a Thesaurus to help us describe the characteristics of each character.  We self assessed our work and added some WOW sentences for each character.


We looked at the dilemma of King Fabian when Dimmock was sent to jail....

...and decided what we thought he should do next!


We stopped at key points in the story and free wrote what we thought could have happened...

We then evaluated our writing against success criteria that we created and we shared our writing with the class. 

Cam - to speak clearly, recognising the appropriate language for different audiences and purposes, and varying my expression, vocabulary, tone and gestures to engage the audience. 

We looked at pollution and decided it was a topic we were really passionate about and wanted to tell the world! We therefore completed FLIP grids to show our passion and how much we had learned.

We also designed our own posters to help stop plastic pollution 

Radio 1's Minute of Me

We thought it was important for people to know about us and we were inspired by Radio 1's Minute of me. We planned our work first and then used FLIP to record ourselves.

Mind map


Writing cont'd

We studied discrimination and racism as part of Rights of a Child and wrote a poem on a world without them called "In my World".


We used the Give Racism the Red Card resources to help us look at our own Team of Life and who would be in our team.

Newspaper Reports

One of our genres was Newspaper Reports and we learnt what features a newspaper report contains and how to write newspaper reports. Our literacy journey included looking at headlines and puns, highlighting features of a newspaper report, looking how to gather information and interview witnesses, how to write quotes and how to report on events in the style of a newspaper report.

First News Newspaper

We celebrated Cwmpan o byd, the Welsh Jambori special for Wales going to the World Cup in Qatar. 

We wrote newspaper reports on the BBC visiting our school and we shared these newspaper reports with the First News newspaper! Some of our reports were even printed! 

Caffi Cymraeg