AoLE Autumn 2023 Y1

A mysterious letter was left in our classroom

  Captain Blackbeard had sent us a mission.  Will we solve the clues to find the Treasure?


A story teller came to visit us at school. We helped to tell the story through dance, drama and music. 

Wanted Poster 

We created our own wanted posters to try and find Captain Blackbeard. We used adjectives to describe what we thought he might look like. 


Using the interactive whiteboard the children drew a picture of Captain Blackbeard. 

Pupil Voice

During pupil voice we discussed what we wanted to find out about pirates. We used Seesaw to record our questions. 


We received a letter from Captain Blackbeard asking for some help. He needed to build a new pirate ship, however he didn't know what material to use. 

Floating and Sinking

We went on a walk to look at different materials, we then tested the materials to see if they would float or sink and if they were waterproof.  We then discussed which materials were most suitable for Captain Blackbeard to use when building his ship.

Pirate ships 

We learnt about different parts of a pirate ship and what they were used for. We then labelled our own pirate ships. 

Music and Dance

Sea Shanty - The children explored numerous sea shanties, they looked at rhyme, repetition and movement as a group and individually. The children painted their own pirates, then used the ipads using the chatterpix app to record their chosen sea shanty. 


Expressive Arts - Exploring colour, line and pattern. 

We investigated how many different lines and patterns we could make.

We added white to different colours to make different shades. 

We used the colour mixing techniques and patterns to create backgrounds for our Christmas cards. We draw Artic animals and used patterns and lines to create different texture.