LNF/DCF - Spring 2024 Y1


The children worked collaboratively to research facts about a place in Wales. They used this information to create their own non chronological reports. 

Google Earth

The children worked with children from the year 4 class to use google earth. They firstly looked to see if they could find our school, then they looked for some familiar places within the community, like their football pitch or a local park. The children then went on to find their street and houses. 


The children set up a toy shop within our classroom, this enabled them to have  hands on real life and authentic learning  opportunities. 

Sion Cwilt

The children enjoyed retelling the story of Sion Cwilt. They sequenced the story then used the pictures to help them tell the recount. 

3D shapes 

The children explored 3D shapes and then went on a 3D shape hunt around the school and looked for 3D shaped items within the classroom. 


We thought of things that were hot and cold. The children also thought of synonyms for hot and cold. The children then sorted items into categories of hot and cold. 


This term our focus was Gymnastics. The children looked at different shapes, balances and jumps. The children worked together in pairs and groups to create different routines. We looked at landing safely.