(Y1 Autumn)


Our literacy work has been based on traditional tales this term. The children enjoyed talking about tales they know and reading a variety of new tales. They discussed what happened in the tales and wrote their own story.

The children received a letter from the Fairy Godmother with some clues to a variety of traditional tales. The children then completed a mind map of tales they knew.

The Three Little Pigs

Our first traditional tale was The Three Little Pigs. The children enjoyed reading this book.

Story Map

We completed a class story map of the important parts of the story. The children then created their own story map and wrote about their favourite part of the story.

Character Descriptions

The children completed character descriptions of the characters in the story. 

The Little Red Hen

The children enjoyed this story, and we had a class discussion on how the animals may have been the Little Red Hen's better friends. We then decided to make the bread rolls as a class so that everyone could help one another. The children wrote up the ingredients and methods they used to make the bread rolls.

The children retold the tale with the animals all working together as the conclusion after we had explored why teamwork is better.

The Little Red Hen - baking bread

The ingredients and method for making bread were written down by the children.

The Gingerbread Man

Our final tale was The Gingerbread Man. We completed book reviews on this story and the children had to rate the story. We discussed the setting, characters and what happened in the story.

Baking skills

We baked our own gingerbread men as Christmas gifts for their family. The children enjoyed measuring out the ingredients and decorating their gingerbread men.


The children told us which traditional tale was their favourite and why. 

International Week - France

Caffi Cymraeg

The children had the chance to show their parents the songs, games, and other ways that we celebrate the Welsh language and learn it in school.

The children made the games, which displayed the knowledge they had gained over the course of the term.