Four purposes

Ambitious Aeron

Healthy Haf

Ethical Efan

Creative Cariad

Children's Mental Health Week - 5th to 9th February

We took part in so many different activities from relaxing to Cosmic Kids - "Peace out", to talking about expressing ourselves, drawing our feelings, a poem for a message for my future self , a puppet show and even a little bit of dancing in the rain!


A message to my future self

Meadow Cook wrote an incredible letter to her future self and won a Headteacher Award! Archeddog Meadow! We are so proud of you.

Fire Service 

The Fire Service came to visit to talk to us about what to do if there was a fire in your bedroom ...

...we could not believe how quickly a fire can spread and the damage it can do in such a short time. We were also grateful to learn some possible life saving skills.

Ellis said "I thought the fire service visit was great because there are lots of electronics now in the world and we need to know what to do if there was a fire to save your house, yourself and your pets!"

Sophia said "I learnt that if there was a fire in my room I should "stop, drop and roll". I know to call the emergency services and to stay on the floor as smoke rises upwards. I was really glad they came to visit and I told my parents all about it and what to do if there was a fire."

Cluster Eisteddfod 2024

YEAR 5 Cwmlai - Cluster Eisteddfod 2024.pptx

World Book Day 

What a fantastic morning! We were given the opportunity to read to Nursery and we thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to do lots more.