Literacy and Numeracy Framework

Our Literacy Focus was initially  Biographies, followed by  Comic Strips and finally, Letters. We understood the features of Biographies after a series of lessons using our Little People, Big Dreams books. Through the group reading of the various texts, the children learnt how to write in a relaxed and interesting way about their heroes. 

Little People, Big Dreams.

During our topic, we explored lots of different heroes. We reflected on what makes a hero and realised that our world is full of heroes! 

We explored the Little People, Big Dreams biographies for the following heroes:

The children chose a superhero following reseach and then wrote a short biography using the features of Little People, big dreams books.

Comic Strips!

We discovered that superheroes used to be introduced in comic books in the past. We identified the features of comics before designing characters, planning and writing our own superhero story. It was a challenging task but we persevered and we are really happy with how they turned out!

Remembrance Poem

During Remembrance week, we wrote acrostic poems sharing our thoughts and feelings. 

Letter writing was the next genre we looked at during our topic. 

We identified the features of a letter before writing our own by and and on the computers. 

Writing letters!

The children investigated the features of Biography writing, researched influential people and chose a leader who inspired them. 

The children researched inspirational figures.

They then chose the person who inspired them the most.

Dosbarth Efydd enjoyed writing letters to theior superheroes.

The children listed and categorised their heroes.

They then wrote to their superhero.

These heroes ranged from David Attenborough to Ariande Grande to Marcus Rashford.

Digital Competency Framework


This term we have been learning about algorithms and coding. We used programmes like Scratch and J2Code on Hwb to code in a variety of ways! 

Our favourite programme was Scratch because we learnt how to code lots of different games and animations. 

We enjoyed experimenting with various things on Scratch, especially the animations.