Autumn 2023


 Addition with regrouping. Children were asked to apply their addition skills across the curriculum to solve word problems related to our topic.  We worked together to check each other's answers and helped to correct our mistakes. 

To solve addition and subtraction word problems

The word problems were a mixture of addition and subtraction and we really had to use our thinking skills to answer the questions accurately. we were able to transfer our maths skills across the curriculum. 

Measuring in centimetres and millimetres: writing measurement in different ways.

We measured a variety of objects in and around the classroom using a measuring tape, metre ruler and class ruler. We really enjoyed working collaboratively and exploring outside to ensure we had a really good grasp of the skills. Back in the classroom we converted our measurements and represented them in three different ways.

For example: 34.7 cm = 34cm 7mm = 347mm

 Measuring fossils  and dinosaur footprints.

We then applied this skill across the curriclum to measure fossils and dinosaur footprints. 

We also converted centimetres into metres and drew life size dinosaurs on the playground.  We could not believe the actual size of some of theses dinosaurs and realised they would never survive in our world as they were just too big!!

Converting measurements. 

We learnt about measurements and the units of measure needed. We could measure accurately using a ruler to the nearest cm and mm. We could even convert the measurements!

Column Method!

We are now able to use column method effectively to add and subtract 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers! We also challenged ourselves to add and subtract decimal numbers. 

During this topic, we learnt about animal classification. 

We decided to create a database to collate information about different animals. 

Using Chromebooks, we researched accurate and reliable data to include in the database. We found a lot of information about a range of animals. 

Take a look at our data below!

Year 4 - Animal Database (Responses)
Pie chart data

We then analysed the data by creating and looking at pie charts and bar graphs. 

We were able to answer questions based on our data. 

We discussed that pie charts show percentages instead of a total number.  Following this, we worked as a class to determine a numerical value for each section of the chart. 


Our Novel of the Term - Harley Hitch and the Fossil Mystery.

During this term, we have been reading Harley Hitch and the Fossil Mystery.  We have loved Harley's adventure - from finding a new species to creating a new invention! 

Asking questions and making predictions.

We looked closely at the front cover of the book, making predictions and asking questions based on the information that was revealed. 

Inference and deductive reasoning.

We read the blurb and used inference and deduction skills to try and enhance our predictions. 

Exploring vocabulary.

We were quickly exposed to new  challenging vocabulary. Palaeontologist was a new word to us, so we researched what a palaeontologist is, what tools they use and how they might look. 

Designing a new species of dinosaur!

We loved designing a new species of dinosaur; thinking about how it might look, move and information about its diet and habitat. 

Creating a new invention!

We also really enjoyed creating a new invention; thinking creatively of inventions that could solve problems. 

A New Welsh Dinosaur! 

We continued developing our descriptive writing by looking at the Dracoraptor further. 

Collecting information from reliable sources. 

We read three articles in groups, skimming and scanning for relevant information. With the information we had gathered, we created an informative poster. 

Year 4 Collaboration Project

Collaboration Project

The children were challenged to a collaboration project this term. They had to work with a partner from the other Year 4  class but they could only communicate via the chat/comment feature on Google slides! 

The project was to make a presentation/information text about one animal. They had to agree on an animal and then ensure the jobs were shared effectively. 

Using the What Makes this Good (WMTG) grids, they had to ensure their project met these requirements. We split it into the following three sections: presentation requirements, DCF skills and integral skills. 

Here are some examples of our work!

Harrison Sloman - Year 4 Collaboration Project
Thea Jane Harrison - Year 4 Collaboration Project

After meeting with our partners one last time, we presented our collaboration projects to the class. We had to speak clearly, listen to questions and answer them appropriately. In the audience, we had to think of open questions to ask the presenters about their presentation. We loved developing a range of skills and collaborating with other pupils from across our cohort.