LNF/DCF Autumn 2023 Y2

Whatever Next  

Our book this term has been Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. The story captured the children's imagination about taking a trip to space. After reading and becoming familiar with the story the children sequenced the story, created story maps, used the characters images to help with their used of adjectives, and they wrote their own version of the next part of the story. 

Literacy Workshop

To inspire and improve our story writing skills we took part in a literacy workshop with Alien Suzy from Clever Cubs Club. This was a fully immersive sensory workshop where we all became characters in the story. The children loved the session and were extremely enthusiastic about writing about their adventure!

Research Using Chromebooks

We have had lots of opportunities during this topic to use the Chromebooks to complete research to support our learning. We have worked in pairs and groups to research the planets, astronauts and to answer our Pupil Voice questions.  

Ordering the Planets

After researching and finding out more information about the planets we completed a challenge that involved following clues to put the planets in order from the sun. We then labelled them with ordinal numbers. 

Balloon Rockets

Our challenge was to order and follow the instructions on how to build a balloon rocket. Along with the instructions we were given all of the resources we would need, and in groups we worked together to follow the instructions and build our balloon rocket. Once we had built it we tested the different balloons, and used the metre rulers to measure which rocket travelled the furthest. 

Copy of IMG_9126.MOV

Rocket Mice

Our challenge was to read and follow the instruictions to create 'Rocket Mice'. We worked together, displaying teamwork skills, to create our Rocket Mice. We took turns to launch the mice and measure the distance that they travelled. We recorded our results in a table and discussed the positions that we came.  

Space Animation

Using Google Slides we created a space animation showing a rocket reaching a planet. This has led to many different animations being created during challenge time!

Casey imogen - Space animation 27.9.23

Astronaut Poster

After researching famous astronauts we used Adobe Express to create a poster with their name and photograph on.

Biography of Tim Peake

Using our research about Tim Peake we used the iPad to create videos using the ChatterPix app to share our information. 


Christmas Paper Chain

As a class we created a paper chain made of Christmas pictures. We challenged ourselves to see how long we could make it. We then measured it. It was 4.2 metres long!

Beth sy'n bod?

This term we focused on the sentence patterns 'Mae ____ tost da fi' and 'Does ddim ______ tost da fi'.  We learnt the vocabulary for our body parts and how to describe how we are feeling. We even learnt how to describe how our partner was feeling.  

By the end of the term, we were able to role play a Doctor's Surgery yn Gymraeg! We held a simple conversation discussing how we were feeling. 
