AoLE - Spring 2024 Y1

                             'Cynefin Cwmlai' 

Is Wales Wonderful?

We started our topic with a Welsh workshop all about traditional Welsh music and dance. The children enjoyed watching Huw clog dance and then had a go themselves. Huw showed the children how to play the Welsh harp, Penny whistle and pibgorn. 


Learning how to clog dance was great fun. 

Places we have visited in Wales

We looked at lots of different places in Wales. The children talked about places they had visited in Wales on day trips and holidays.  We used the map of Wales to plot the photographs on the map. We looked at different attractions in Wales and the children then created their own non chronological reports as an information leaflet. 

Welsh Artists 

We looked at two Welsh artists. Laura Ashely and Eloise Govier. We then create our own pieces using the same techniques as the artists. 

We looked at Laura Ashely designs and copied them. 

We practised making all over designs and repeating patterns.  

We used string and cardboard to create our own printing boards. 

We copied Eloise Govier pictures. 

We researched different places around Wales and used photocopies of the places to add bright colours. 

We used our ideas to paint different places around wales using the new techniques we have learnt. 

Welsh Folk Dancing

During our PE lessons, the children learnt traditional Welsh folk dancing and collaborated to create their own routine.


Is Wales Wonderful?

We concluded our topic with a discussion to find out if Wales really is Wonderful. The children discussed the reasons as to why they believed Wales was wonderful and then using the green screen recorded their opinions.