Four Purposes Summer 2024 Y3


The children embarked on their second round of swimming lessons at Tonyrefail Leisure Centre, where they developed their swimming and water safety abilities. 

Engaging in various water activities, they worked towards developing their swimming skills. 


The children dived into the world of Fairtrade, discovering how it helps farmers and the environment. They got creative and designed an informative poster showcasing their knowledge. It was amazing to see them engage with such an important topic and express their understanding through art! 

Mental Health Week 

During Mental Health Week, we explored strategies to relax our minds. Pupils actively participated, sharing activities that bring them happiness and help them remain calm when feeling down. It was a valuable discussion focusing on positive well-being and self-care. 


Seren a Sbarc Day - 17th May 2024

The children relished the Seren a Sbarc day, engaging in games and Cymraeg Campus Challenges activities. They enjoyed the Welsh jamboree, singing traditional songs with the school. Their enthusiasm in celebrating and participating was lovely to watch. 

Sports Ambassadors Sponsored Event - 24/5/2024

Today marked the eagerly anticipated Sponsored Sports Ambassadors Event, a dynamic occasion that brought together students from each class. The event featured a range of activities designed to promote physical well-being and teamwork, including football matches, relay races, and obstacle courses. Students enthusiastically embraced these challenges, showcasing their athletic abilities and camaraderie.

Moreover, the event served as a platform for the students to raise money towards sports equipment,

The day was filled with laughter, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment as students pushed themselves to achieve new goals and support a worthy cause. It was a testament to the importance of sports in education, not only for physical health but also for character development and social responsibility.

Dosbarth Coch thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Sports Ambassadors Event. 

D-Day 80th Anniversary

Today, the children dressed in red, white, and blue to honour the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. They diligently researched the historical significance, painted Union Jack flags, and engaged in thoughtful discussions to deepen their understanding of this pivotal moment in history.

Swimming Block 2

Teaching about water safety is paramount due to our close proximity to the sea and with the summer holidays approaching. A key aspect of this education is swimming proficiency, ensuring individuals are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate water bodies safely. Understanding rescue techniques is equally vital, as it empowers individuals to assist those in need. Various methods of aiding a person in distress are taught, emphasising the importance of quick thinking and effective actions. An innovative approach includes simulating rescue scenarios where the children wore pyjamas to experience the added challenge of rescuing each other in water, preparing them for real-life situations. By integrating these practical elements into our curriculum, we aim to foster a community that is knowledgeable, skilled, and proactive in promoting water safety, ultimately reducing the risks associated with sea-related activities. 

Summer Disco

The Summer Disco event at our school was a resounding success, providing students with a delightful blend of fun, music, and treats. The children came together to revel in the joyous occasion, creating lasting memories. Laughter and chatter filled the air as students danced to the upbeat tunes, showcasing their camaraderie. The aroma of sizzling hot dogs wafted through the venue, adding to the festive atmosphere. The Summer Disco exemplified the school's commitment to creating enriching opportunities for its students.