Four Purposes Summer 2024 Y4


We were lucky to have a taster session with a member from Rhondda Dragon’s Dodgeball Club. We built upon the skills that we had learned in our PE sessions this half term. 


Rachael Jones ( an Emotion Well-being Practitioner ) came to talk to the children about resilience. She taught us different breathing techniques and how to use a growth mindset when we face challenges. 

Cwmlai Jambori

We participated in Cwmlai's Jambori by wearing red and singing Welsh songs!  

Sponsored Sports Event

We participated in the Sponsored Sports Event in school in May! 

The school raised over £4000 towards PE and sports equipment.

Holding the 2012 Olympic Torch

We were surprised with a visit from Mrs Rees with an official Olympic torch!

It was a great experience and surprisingly heavy.

D-Day 80th Anniversary! 

Heatherton Adventure Park!