AoLE - Humanities Spring 2024 Y3 

Ble Yn Ewrop Ydyn Ni?

We began our discussion of the topic by defining Europe and the nations that make up the continent. The children discussed their holidays and travel experiences in a European country. The pupils spoke about and chose by vote which four countries they would like to investigate more about in the next half term.

The countries the children chose were: 

Italy, France, Spain and Germany.


We have been researching Italy as part of our topic.  We made fact files, learnt about the different types of food, went on a 'virtual tour of Italy' and learnt some interesting facts.

The children used the Chromebooks to research Italy and produced an Italy fact file. After gathering the information, they presented their fact files to the class.

Pizza Making

As a part of our Italy week, the children learned how to make pizza. They worked as a team and followed directions from Mrs Jones to create some delicious pizzas. After that, they wrote up the instructions, focusing on time connectives and imperative verbs. 

Eating their pizzas was their most memorable part.


Stem Activity

Eiffel Tower 

To conclude our week learning about France, we set the children a challenge: Can you make the Eiffel Tower using spaghetti and marshmallows? After a few strange looks, the excitement set in, and they had a fun afternoon using their thinking, creative and teamwork skills. They did a great job!


The children watched a brief PowerPoint presentation that provided them with a little knowledge about Spain to begin our week-long research on the country as a whole. In order to connect with our literacy work, the children created a glossary by researching words they were unsure about and using a fact file on Spain.

Our week came to a conclusion when our children tried and compared Welsh and Spanish dance. They worked really well. We were then able to talk about the dances' similarities and differences.


Wales - Beth Mae Cymru Yn Meddwl i Mi? What Does Wales Mean To Me?

Following the half term, we began to learn about Wales. We talked about what Wales means to us and why it's an important nation.

Welsh Music Workshop

We took part in an amazing workshop to introduce our topic and learnt about traditional Welsh instruments. Huw demonstrated a Penny Whistle, a Welsh harp, and a Pibgorn for us. He also demonstrated and instructed us in clog dancing!


We compared the four countries we have been learning about to Wales.  We discussed national symbols and explored the meanings to them.

What Does Cynefin Mean?

We discussed what the word Cynefin means and then the children were put into partners and wrote what Cynefin means to them.

The children then shared what they wrote with the class and we talked about how everyone had different meanings.