
What does Wales look like today? Are people looking after our community? What does our partner school look like? How does Mbale compare to Tonyrefail?

Today we took part in various activities to discover how long it takes for items to decompose, different types of reusable energy and what is climate change. 

We sorted objects into what they are made of. 

We compared how we complete dailry tasks with how people n uganda would complete daily tasks. Who uses the most energy?

Both classes visited Bryn Pica Recycling Centre. They became quality surveyors, sorting the rubbish using magnets, torches and their eyes.   They also had the opportunties to explore the  resoucres and ask questions. 

My favourite part was when I was a supervisor.  AC

My favourite part of the trip was watching the video's. SW

My favourite part of the trip was learning about how to recycle. EG 

Character Message!

As a home task we created chararcters using recycled materials.  We wrote messages from our characters. 

Recycling e book

We created e books to inform others of how to recycle and the importance of recycling. 

What can waste be recycled into? 

During our visit to Bryn Pica we found out what our recycling waste can be turned into. We recorded our findings on return to school. 

Spot the difference!

We studied a map of Tonyrefail now and  compared to 50 years ago. 

We identified the differences!

Life in the 60s/70s!

We worked in groups to research different aspects of life in the 60s/70s. We worked collaboratively to present our findings in a class website. 

Expressive Arts

Kyffin Williams

We explored the artwork of the Welsh artist Kyffin Williams and used his artwork for inspiration to  create a landscape of Tonyrefail. 


This term we have explored the recorder, Ukulele, and learned how to read the first few notes and quavers on music . We also explored wood instruments and listened to how they sounded. We picked our different instruments in music.