'Leon and The Place Between'

Our literacy work this term is focused around this book, which provides shadowy collage, painting, photography and gliding to overwhelm readers with the power of magic. The children enjoyed reading this book and discussing the magic that happened within the story.

Before we read the book, the children received six images out of the book. They had to discuss and decide what sequence they believed the pictures would go in. The children then wrote the story, ensuring the use of capital letters and full stops.

After reading and discussing the story. The children were tasked with sequencing the story correctly by creating a story map.

We discussed what an adjective is and how using adjectives can make our writing interesting. After creating a brain storm of adjectives the children created exciting, interesting sentences.

The children learnt how to use a thesaurus. They were asked to work in partners to find higher quality words.

The children planned and wrote their own magical stories. They were encouraged to use capital letters, full stops and high quality adjectives. After writing their story they worked with a partner to edit and peer assess their work.

As Abdul Kazam was a main character in the story the children decided to use a thesaurus to find powerful adjectives to describe him. They used the adjectives to create simile sentences and 2 pair sentences describing the Abdul Kazam.

Abdul Kazam was lost!

Dosbarth Melyn and Dosbarth Porffor received a letter from Leon informing us that Abdul Kazam was lost. The children decided that they would be able to help by creating lost posters to display around the school. They included powerful adjectives, similes and 2 pair sentences.

We found out that Imperative verbs are used to give instructions or to tell someone to do something. Watch this video to understand more about imperative verbs. Instructions are written to show someone how to do something, such as cooking a meal, building furniture or getting somewhere (directions). We made a brainstorm of as many imperative verbs that we could think of.

We followed instructions to perform 'The Rubbery Pencil' magic trick. After learning and performing the trick the children created instructions for the magic trick, ensuring that they used imperative verbs.

The children were asked to create a speech for an interview for a job at the circus. They used Flipgrid to record their interviews.