Literacy and Numeracy Framework

Escape From Pompeii

By Cristina Ballit

This fictional text based on the real life events in Pompeii in 79AD gave the children an understanding of natural disaster on our Earth.

Dosbarth Efydd were given opportunities to predict, re tell the story and write a letter whilst empathising with the characters and the people of Pompeii.

The children were given the opportunity to gain as much information as possible from the cover and blurb and predict what the story was about.

After hearing the story, they re-told it in the form of a story map.

They thought more deeply about the text when answering questions in a story wheel.

The children did a mind map of the character's key characteristics.

Letters from Pompeii

Once the children had become familiar with the main characters they were able to empathise with them. They wrote letters from the main characters to the people of Pompeii.

To make the events from the story more real and alive the children were given the opportunity to watch am animation of the eruption of Vesuvius. This really enabled the children to imagine how Trnio and Livia felt on 24th August 79AD. After watching they completed a time line using Nouns, Verbs and Adverbs. 

That fateful Day in Pompeii

The children watched the animation of this disastrous day in History.

 Then they  made a Time line.

They used nouns, verbs and adverbs an thought about interesting word choices in order to bring their writing alive.

We did some drama activities showing how more desperate and scared the people must have got as time wore on and the city crmbled and burnt in front of their eyes.

We did some drama activities showing how more desperate and scared the people must have got as time wore on and the city crumbled and burnt in front of their eyes.

One of the children suggested that the people of Pompeii should have worked together and left messages for each other. This gave the children the idea of writing letters from characters.

Space Kids - The Journey of Hope!

Dosbarth Arian are reading a new class novel this term. 

We are enjoying learning about Sophie from Wales, who has applied to be in the first team of Space Kids!

Digital Competency Framework

We have been learning about collecting data and representing it as a graph on J2e!

Working as a team to collect data is a skill we have also been developing. 

We have also been practising our maths problem solving skills in different ways.

P.C Lee came in to talk to Year 4 about online safety. The children were given the opportunity to think about responsibility online and to discuss any fears they had.

Discussion helped the children to not feel alone.

Year 4 now knows what to do if they are scared about any online issues.

We have explored using Excel spreadsheets to represent rainfall and temperature data.