Time To Shine 

Expressive Arts

Pupil Influence

Each class created a Mind Map of the particular areas of interest within the topic and then used the jamboard to record their ideas.

Each child had an input into their areas of interest.

Dosbarth Efydd were particularly interested in the various forms of entertainment  that were around in times gone by. One of the children talked about the Titanic and the entertainment aboard.

Time To Shine

Dosbarth Efydd investigated ways that we shine in our everyday lives, through Sports, Hobbies and Entertainment. The class shared their particular talents and were able to express these through their weekly Drama sessions.

We completed work on our talents and each child was able to identify their strengths.

We explored replica artefacts and investigated life aboard the ship and the entertainment during that fateful trip.

We explored the route taken and the the last night. The children were very interested in how the passengers must have felt, and the realisation that the entertainment would turn into disaster.

The children made some Breaking News reports using the Greenscreen.

The Heart of the Ocean

We investigated, and made a map of the World, showing the route of the Titanic.

Breaking news Titanic.MOV

The children shared their knowledge of what happened...

Breaking news Titanic.MOV

...The entertainment the passengers had witnessed...

Breaking News.MOV

... and their empathy for the events which were to unfold.

ART- Creative stillshots of the events..

The children painted their favourite scenes using a mixture of knowledge and empathy.

Some painted calm scenes of the Titanic in its' crowning glory.

Some expressed their art through the medium of porcelain.

Our starting point was to create comic strips of the events.

Science- Floating and Sinking

The challenge given was to create a Titanic which stood the test of an iceberg.

The children were together in groups to transform their designs into products.

They needed to explore floatability, aesthetics and durability.

They were delighted with the outcome!