Summer 2024 


Tomos Williams - The Rusty Robot
Harley Daniels - The Rusty Robot

Design a Robot

The children were challenged to design their own purpose-built Robot. Once complete they uploaded their completed designs to a shared Google Slide and produced a short piece of descriptive writing to explain the main features of their robots. 


Robot Designs

When the children finished writing their adverts for their robots, they used the green screen to record their own television advert, adding a backing track for effect. 


Coding: Catch the dot game

Mathematics  & Numeracy 


During the summer term, year 5 & 6 visited Drayton Manor for their end of year trip. 

The children in Dosbarth Brown followed up the trip by using Google Sheets to plan and design their very own theme parks. Each child was given a budget of £500,000. The children had to calculate the daily running costs of their park, as well as the yearly profit or loss. 

Ethan James - Theme Park Maths

Once complete the children moved their learning on by designing a logo for their theme park, thinking of a name for each ride and creating a 3d model of the theme park using Minecraft for Education.  Each ride in Minecraft was screenshot and a Top Trump style card was created for each of the rides.