(Rec Summer)


The children used blocks to measure the lengths of the worms.  They wrote the number of blocks in the square box and then worked out the shortest worm to the longest worm.


The children used money to buy a 'minibeast' from the Bug Shop.

First they had to find a 5p or make 5p using different coins. They used this to pay for a ticket to be able to have a turn at putting their hand in the feely box and pull out a lucky minibeast dip.

The children picked a leaf from the nature area.  They then measured the leaf using blocks.

Days of the Week -

Jasper's Beanstalk

The children cut out the different days of the week and re-ordered them in to the correct sequence of the story.

We cut out the beanstalks and re-ordered from smallest to tallest.

The Hungry Caterpillar

We sequenced the days of the week, together with the number of fruit eaten on the days and finished with a symmetrical butterfly.

We grew our own beanstalks and then ordered from shortest to tallest

George's beanstalk was the tallest!

Well done George.


We counted the number of blocks used to measure the leaves from the tip to the bottom of the stem.


Noah drew his own fruit pattern on the whiteboard and was able to clap the syllables in each piece of fruit.  Well done Noah!

My Movie 3.mov

We read the story book Fran's Flower.  Fran fed her flower all sorts of foods but the flower didn't grow! We needed to find out why? 

We then received a message from Fran.  She had sent us a present! What would we do next?

Where do seeds come from? 

 We investigated  our Amaryllis plant to see where the seeds were  hiding!

We wrote our own set of instructions on how to plant a bean!

We planted our own seeds and grew peas.  We took them home to re-pot and grow outdoors.  

Neve's mum sent us a photo from home of how Neve's pea plant was growing.

Priya brought a pea from home to show us how her plant  had grown!

Oliver's Vegetables & Oliver's Fruit Salad - We read both the books and decided to find out what was our most favourite vegetable and fruit.  We used  2Jit on the Hwb to create 2 different graphs.

Oliver ate different vegetables on different days of the week.   We remembered what he ate on Monday and wrote about it.

We made our very own fruit kebab using our favourite fruits.  

Olivia created a list of her favourite fruit and drew a picture of her very healthy fruit kebab.

We  looked at the food in our lunchboxes.  We discussed healthy and non-healthy food, We created a very healthy lunchbox 

Handa's Surprise

We listened to the story and wrote about our favourite animal and the fruit that it took from Handa's basket.

Superworm -

Superworm could change his body into lots of different shapes and for lots of different uses.  He was very clever!

Jasper's Beanstalk

We learned many facts about slugs and snails.  We wrote 1 interesting fact to share with out classmates.


Jasper’s Beanstalk.mov

Jasper's Beanstalk -

Olivia placed the story cards in the correct sequence and was then able to re-ell the story correctly.

To celebrate the end of our Summer term, we decided to hold an Ugly Bug Ball and wrote invitations for our parents to attend.
