AoLE (Y1 Autumn)

Dosbarth Coch / Oren

Aole - LLC

Pupil Voice

What fairy tales do the children know?  Do they always have a happy ending?

The Three Little Pigs

The pupils decided they wanted to look at the story of The Three Little Pigs.

We looked at the different materials that the pigs used to build their houses.  The pupils decided which was the strongest.

The pupils learnt the story of The Three Little Pigs well.  They were able to retell the story and order it independently.

Linked to The Three Little Pigs we researched hard and soft materials in everyday items that we found around our classroom.

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Waterproof Experiment

We carried out an experiment to find out if the items we chose were waterproof or not.  We used items from around our classroom.

Houses for The Three Little Pigs

We went to our school nature area and collected different materials to make houses for The Three Little Pigs.