AoLE (Y6 Summer Term 2023)

What is the Holocaust? 

Hitlers Birthday 

War (What is it good for?) - Edwin Star

We began the topic by playing the song War by Edwin Starr and allowing the children time to discuss the song and its lyrics. 

Children shared what they already knew about 'War' and 'Conflict'. 

The children then made a list of questions that they wanted to find the answers to. 

Trench In a Shoe Box 

The children  worked collaboratively and used recycled materials to create their very own 'WW1 Trench in a Shoe Box' 

Minecraft for Education 

The children used Minecraft: Education Edition to recreate their own WW1 trench system. 

Lego Robot Inventor 

The children worked collaboratively to follow a set of instructions and built their own Lego robots. Each group was then tasked with programming their robot in order to complete a series of challenges.

WW2 'Make Do and Mend'  D & T Project

Our D & T Project was linked to our WW2 topic and also our class novel 'Letters From a Lighthouse'.

The children used old quilt covers and curtains to make their teddy bears.