Four Purposes 

Ethical Efan

Healthy Haf

Ambitious Aeron

Creative Cariad


What a morning! There was lots of snow and only one thing for it - fun in the snow! The children enjoyed snowball fights and building mini snowmen.

A Visit From PC Leigh.

PC Leigh came to talk to us about people who help us. After lots of questions we were able to try on some police hats!

Wear Red for Velindre.

We wore red to school and brought donations to support the cancer charity Velindre. We raised over £400!

Internet Safety Day.

On 7th February we raised awareness about internet safety. The children created a video about how to stay safe online. 

Internet Safety Day

Disney Playmakers.

Year 2 have started an after school football club with Miss Jones and Mrs Barnett, learning football skills through Disney.

Pupil Voice.

Dosbarth Pinc have worked with Miss Griffiths to redesign the book corner in their classroom. They created designs of what they wanted it to look like, then we looked at all of the designs and picked out the most popular ideas. The children helped Miss Griffiths to decorate the book corner and are really pleased with the end result.

St Fagans Trip.

The children enjoyed a trip to St Fagans to find out what life was like in Wales in the past. They took part in a workshop in the Gwalia Stores and found out how different shops used to be compared to supermarkets now. They also looked at the different houses in the Rhyd y Car cottages. There were lots of questions and lots of walking!

Magic Movie.MOV


We celebrated our Eisteddfod on St David's Day with competitions in poetry recital, handwriting and artwork. Our artwork was based on Welsh artist Jenny Lambert. We also performed the Cylch y Cymru folk dance that we have been learning in dance sessions with Mrs Brown.


We studied the artist Jenny Lambert and created our own art work.

National Eisteddfod.

Fflur and Arlo participated in the local Eisteddfod poetry recital competition. Arlo came 2nd, Fflur came 1st and went to the regional Eisteddfod  in Porthcawl and came 2nd. Llongyfarchiadau Fflur!


World Book Day.

We celebrated World Book Day on 3rd March 2023 by dressing in pyjamas. We took part in lots of activities, including paired reading with Year 5!

Year 2 Choir.

Lots of Year 2 children have been joining Mrs John on a Monday lunchtime for choir. Their current song choice is This Is Me from The Greatest Showman.

Red Nose Day

We held a 'Wear What You Want' day to raise money for Comic Relief. Throughout the day we found out about different ways in which Comic Relief supports people in need. As a school we raised £

Easter Bonnet Parade.

To celebrate the end of the Spring term, and Easter, the Foundation Phase held an Easter Bonnet Parade. The children were invited to create a bonnet and paraded around the school to show everyone. We finished off the week with lots of easter craft and an easter egg hunt. 


Summer Disco