Four Purposes - Spring 2024 Y2

Fire Service

We had a visit from the fire service to talk to us about fire safety and what to do in the case of a fire. We had lots of questions about this, and we were able to go and look at the fire engine. 

Wear Red for Velindre

On Friday 2nd February, as a school we wore red for Velindre. Cancer is a disease that has affected many families throughout our school community. We wore red, raised awareness, and raised £... in the process for this amazing charity.

Children's Mental Health Week

5-11th February was Children's Mental Health Week. This year's theme was 'My Voice Matters'. We talked about what is mental health, how we can look after our mental health, and who we can talk to if we need help. We also looked at what our favourite things are, and our proud moments. We ended the week by dressing to 'Express Yourself'. 

We recognised that giving each other compliments helps others feel good about themselves - it fills their bucket as well as yours!  We discussed what a compliment was and how to give compliments. We took turns to compliment each other throughout the week. 

Chinese New Year

We read the story of  Chinese New Year , The Great Race and discussed the similarities and differences between how Wales and China celebrate New Year. We recognised that the Chinese alphabet looks different to the English alphabet and decided to create bookmarks which illustrated our names. 

Mother's Day 2024

To celebrate Mother's Day we wrote poems about our Mum/Nan. We used adjectives and similes and thought that our poems described the personalities of our Mum/Nan. We created cards by following instructions to create origami flowers. 

URDD Eisteddfod 2024

Jesse, Phoebe, Alba and Gethin represented Cwmlai Year 2  in the URDD Eisteddfod, which took place in Llanhari Comprehensive School. They preformed the poem 'Dw i eisiau' by Tudor Dylan and were outstanding. Jesse gained 1st place, Phoebe gained 2nd Place and Alba gained 3rd place. 

As Jesse gained 1st place in the Cych, he then went onto represent Cwmlai in the Regional Eisteddfod, where he gained 1st Place and will now go on to compete in the finals in Maldwyn in May. 

Rydyn ni'n mor falch! We are so proud!



We discussed listened to the Easter story and discussed the meaning of Easter. We brainstormed Easter symbols and used them to create a poem 'When I think of Easter'. We included adjectives and similes in our poem. 

To celebrate Easter, we created cards to give to our families. We weaved card to create Easter baskets.