Four Purposes

Creative Cariad

Healthy Haf

Ambitious Aeron

Ethical Efan


The children began the term by designing their own characters to represent each of the Four Purposes. These designs were shared with the school council members who voted for their favourites. The year 6 children then looked at the statements for each of the four purposes and wrote their own 'Child-friendly statements'. These ideas were then used to create posters that are now displayed in each classroom throughout the school. 

Circus workshop

The visit sparked a lot of scientific thought about Forces and the way things move. 

We had a visit from Team Sensible at the beginning of our topic. 

We learnt lots of circus skills like how to juggle, spin plates, balance feathers and use stilts (they were very tricky!)

After our workshop, we wanted to explore different forces like push and pull, magnetism and gravity. 

Caffi Cymraeg

The children were given the opportunity to share with their parents the games, songs and ways that we celebrate the Welsh language and learn Welsh at school.

Parents and children celebrating the Welsh language whilst talking in Welsh and playing games..

... and singing welsh songs.

The children played board games and language games.

the children were proud of the Welsh they knew and so were their parents.

International Language Week- Spanish 

The children have been involved in a series of international languages. This term they enjoyed learning about the culture, the Language and the food of Spain. They particularly enjoyed Spanish food tasting, most of them said they loved the Mediterranean diet.

the children particularly enjoyed the chorizo...

... and the tortilla!


They researched and produced a Double page spread entitled Vive Españe

Children in Need Day

The Cwmlai Children in Need event was a roaring success. £720 was raised, making it the most successful charity event we've run. It was the childrens determination, enterprise and generosity that allowed us reach this figure.

The classes took part in basketball ..........

....... and football goalshooting activities

The Children in Need stall was visited frequently throughout the morning to buy our home made products.

Every single item was sold.

Christmas Concerts 2022

Lights, Camel, Action!

Year 3 and 4's Christmas concert this year was filled with funky songs and dance numbers! 

The children had fun creating  their own Christmas decorations. They designed, selected the materials and transformed their ideas into products ready for Christmas day table centres!

Each one unique!

Each onr loved!

The making stage!

A class full of Snowmen!