Criw Cymraeg

Cymraeg Campus Gold Award

In May 2022 we recieved our Cymraeg Campus Silver Award. This year we are continuing with our journey and striving for gold!

Logo Competition!

We ran a competition to design a new logo to represent our Criw Cymraeg. Menna designed a fantastic logo which really stood out to us. Her design featured Cwmlai Primary and a green dragon, which we thought represented us as an eco-school. Da iawn Menna!

Gold Award Display

We created a new display in the hall to inform pupils , parents and visitors  of our progress on our Gold Award journey. 

Home Mascot- Foundation Phase 

We designed a home mascot showing the adventures of 'Dewi y Draig'.  The children take Dewi on as many adventures as possible and document their adventures in a class book. 

Home Mascot - KS2

We designed a home mascot showing the adventures of 'Mr Urdd'. The children take Mr Urdd on exciting adventures and document them in a class ebook. 

Yard Games gyda Mared

We are trying to develop our welsh playground games and were lucky to have sessions with Mared our URDD community supoort worker. She taught Year 6  many playground games, Year 6 had the responsibility of teaching Years 3 - 6 the games. Diolch Mared! 

My Movie

Den Dregiau 2022

We entered CSC's Den Dregiau 2022 with a pitch to fund playground signs to improve our use of welsh on the yard and encourage the children to play welsh games. We were lucky to win £200! Roedden ni'n lwcus! 

Seren a Sparc!

We had a visit from Seren a Sbarc! They had heard how we were working on encouraging the use of welsh on the playground, they brought each class a ball to use for welsh games on the yard!

 Diolch Seren a Sbarc!

Dydd Shwmae, Su'mae 

To celebrate Dydd Shwmae, Su'mae we decided that we would like to encourage our parents and family members to speak welsh too. We organised for each class from years 1-6 to hold a Caffi Cymraeg. This was a huge success! Our pupils taught their parents and family members the sentence patterns that they are using in class. They engaged in games, apps and reading books together. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon. 

Diolch am gefnogi ein Caffi Cymraeg! 

Urdd Jambori 2022

We participated in the Urdd Jambori Cwpan Y Byd - Wales's World Cup Singalong! We sang along with over 230,000 pupils from schools across the country.  We had a visit from the BBC during the Jambori. They filmed the Jambori and interviewed children and staff, discussing their views and opinions on the welsh language. Mrs Scobie and some Year 6 pupils even featured on the BBC news, as well as Wales Online!


Lois -Coleg Cymoedd

We were lucky to have Lois host an a informing us of the importance of the Welsh language, how it has changed over the years and how it has influenced her career. Diolch Lois!

Mared - Urdd

Mared held an assembly to inform us of all the opportunities that are available to us through the Urdd. She informed us about Llangrannog and how welsh has influenced her career, as well as possible furture career opportunities for those that would like to work with the Urdd. 


Eisteddfod Cwmlai 2023

What an incredible eisteddfod we had! Everyone worked so hard to compete against each other. Olivia Barwood wrote an amazing poem 'Fy Nghmru' wowing the judges and winning first prize - Y Bardd! 

URDD Eisteddfod 2023

Children from Year 1 - Year 6 participated in the URDD Eisteddfod. This was our most successful Eisteddfod ever! We won many competitions and some children went on to compete in the regional Eisteddfod in Porthcawl!


Eloise Year 6 - Siopa

3rd place!


Ava Year 6 - Siopa

2nd place!


Lois  Year 5 - Siopa

1st place!


Jesse Year 1 - Tywydd


Fflur Year 2 - Tywydd

1st place!


Arlo Year 2 - Tywydd

2nd place!


Jazmine Year 4 - Bwyd

3rd place!


Joshua Year 4 - Bwyd

2nd place!


Evie Year 3 - Bwyd


Thea Year 3 - Bwyd


Lois Year 5 - Siopa

Regionals - 2nd place


Fflur Year 2 - Tywydd

Regionals - 2nd place


Group Year 5 

Regionals - 1st place

Team Wales and Lily-Rice

In March 2023 we were fortunate to receive a visit from Team Wales and Lily Rice.  We found out all about how Team Wales participate in events all across the Common Wealth Countries and what sporting events take place. Lily-Rice spoke about her success in competing in the para-olympics and how she percervered to gain her success. Diolch Team Wales a Lily-Rice!

Den Dreigiau Spring Term

Den Dregiau Spring 2023

Following our success from the Autumn Term Den Dreigiau , Criw Cymraeg pitched to the dragons again for funding towards a Wal Grafitti. We won a huge £350 towards a Wal Grafitti for the KS2 yard.  Ardderchog! 

CSC published our report!

We were asked to collaborated with CSC in March 2023, we  wrote a report for them explaining how our involvement in their Dragons Den initiative had impacted upon welsh in our school.