Four Purposes

Wear Red for Velindre

The children took part in wearing red to support our Welsh Rugby Team and to raise money for the charity Velindre.  This was close to our hearts with one of our children's dads playing rugby for the Welsh team and families in our school supported by Velindre

Express yourselves day

As part of Children's Mental Health week we help a dress up day where the children could dress in a way that they felt expresses themselves.  A real 'feel good' day which all the children loved.

Winter arrived with a vengeance and we went on the look-out for Jack Frost! Did we find him? Yes we did! 

We drew around Hunter for the shape of Jack Frost and then decorated with collage bits that made him look freezing cold!

We carried out our own ice experiments in class and at home. We placed 3 cups of ice, the same size with the same amount of water in them in 3 different locations.  2 inside the class and 1 outside.  We observed through the day and watched what happened.  We were surprised to find that the cup of ice outside the classroom was the last to melt!

We then carried out an experiment to find out which substances dissolved in water.  We used coffee, flour, sand and salt. These are the results!

Our Mini Topic

We listened to the story of The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud.  The polar bear was very sad because he didn't have any friends.  This led us to find out more about the polar bear.  We were shocked and saddened to find out the the polar bear population is declining. They are classified as “vulnerable”. The biggest threat to them is climate change. Rising global temperatures means that sea ice is melting earlier and forming later each year, leaving polar bears less time to hunt for food!

We learned some very interesting facts and decided to help the polar bears. We held a cake sale and decorated cupcakes to look like polar bears. We sold them for £1 each.  One of our parents made a cake to raffle and we made enough money to adopt 2 polar bears from the WWF, one for each Reception Class. We were very pleased and proud to be able to help the polar bear population.

We learned about other animals in the arctic and found out that a Walrus named Wally had visited Tenby, Wales a few years ago! 

We were able to compare and contrast Tenby to the arctic


We set a homework challenge. The children were very interested in helping to reduce pollution and the slowing down of global warming by reducing, reusing and recycling. The children had to count the number of items they recycled in a week and present a chart to their classmates.

The children also wanted to find out more about penguins.  They enjoyed stories and craft related to penguins.

World Book Day 2024

Happy Easter - 2024

The children enjoyed creating their own Easter cards using bubble wrap and paint.


Mrs Rees's Retirement Assembly