AoLE (Y5 Spring) 

Our trip to the Big Pit 

Having such a good time exploring the various displays

Exploring the outdoors too!

We were fascinated with the Pit Pony Charter

We researched our own family trees and were surprised to discover we had so many miners in our family.

Christabel discovered she was named after a suffragette...

You can see we had so many different styles of family trees...

Some hand drawn and some sent for on-line!

Noah Mings Family Tree.pdf


In Dosbarth Gwyrdd, we did a group project in groups of 6 to research and present women's roles down the mines and what other roles they played through history.  We displayed our group presentations on the walls of the classroom. 

In Dosbarth Gwyn, we did a lot of reaserch on women in history such as the suffragettes, completed comprehensions and a timeline!

We have HISTORY or HERSTORY but we also have OUR STORY which we were set to do as homework. So many of us could not believe how many miners and what the women in our family did for WW1 and WW2. We were VERY proud to bring in our work and have it on display in our classroom.

Miners strikes 6th March 1984 to 3rd March 1985

What life was like in the mines:

video Max C 07_03_2023 14_45_28.mp4
video Ava Elizabeth T 07_03_2023 15_08_45.mp4

Valerie Ganz

An artist who created art showing Welsh miners and what life was like down the pits. 

Callum James Pope - 13.2.2023 - Valerie Ganz
Thomas James Mitchell - 13.2.2023 - Valerie Ganz
Gracie Seren David - 13.2.2023 - Valerie Ganz

We researched Valerie Ganz and the art she created. We wrote fact files about her.

We re-created some of Valerie Ganz work ourselves. This piece of art was entitled, Red Flask. 

We created our own style of "pit art", silhouettes with water-colours depicting the landscapes created by Welsh Pits.  

We made "Save the pits!" Miners strike placards:

With slogans like: Coal not dole! NUPE supports the miners!  Dig Deep for the Miners!  Closed minds close mines! Put people first! Closing pits kills our futures! 

As well as posters we designed our own badges to wear

We were such "Creative Cariad's"

His-story or

This is a video snapshot of our topic (Dosbarth Gwyrdd) 

Ben brought in posters from the Miner's strike