AoLE Summer 2024 Y5 - Expressive Arts

Immersion afternoon

We watched the film "Gnomeo and Juliet" and completed a comprehension on Shakespeare. This made us think of lots of questions we would like to know so we wrote our questions on Jamboard. 

Bree Clifford - Shakespeare Questions - PUPIL INFLUENCE.pdf
Finley Jonathan - Shakespeare Questions - PUPIL INFLUENCE.pdf

Fact File on Shakespeare

Charlie Davies - Shakespeare Fact file
Jax O'Hagan - Shakespeare Fact file

Exploring Shakespearean insults

What an experience we had "throwing" Shakespearean insults at one another and also making up our own! We split ourselves into Capulets and Montagues and we used - 

"Do you bite your thumb at me sir?"

To explore, describe and act the "balcony scene"

We watched a clip from the BBC Teach to help us gain an understanding of the balcony scene. We watched the clip a few times to ensure we knew what the scene was all about. Next we looked at an adapted version of the actual balcony scene and studied the language. This was followed by practising the scene with a partner and finally being recorded. It certainly put a lot of us out of our comfort zones but we ALL had a go! 

The "balcony scene" in our own words

We loved the balcony scene so much that we wanted to do more work on it so we made the choice as a class to put the balcony scene into our own words to make it a modern speech. We were so delighted with our work that we have put it on display in our classroom

The “Balcony Scene” in Dosbarth Gwyn’s own words -

Our rap of Romeo and Juliet

Dosbarth Gwyn worked hard with our music teacher Mr Evans to learn a rap all about Romeo and Juliet.