LNF / DCF coverage 


The boy at the back of the class

Throughout the autumn term we based our learning in literacy around the novel 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf. 

The book is about a young refugee boy named Ahmet who has run away from war. 

Writing for a purpose

During our literacy lessons, the children were tasked with writing a persuasive letter to the headteacher to highlight the reasons why Cwmlai should welcome more refugees to the school. The letters were shared with Mrs Rees via email. The children even received personalised responses from Mrs Rees. 

Willow Cook - Why should we welcome refugees in Cwmlai?

To further develop their persuasive writing skills, the children were asked to write a persuasive letter to our parents to persuade them to provide fruit and vegetable snacks only at playtime and to 'buy in' with our water on desks policy. This had been viewed by our school council as a problem and they asked for our help. The children thought it would be more effective coming from them if they asked the parents to provide healthier snacks at playtime as some of the snacks being provided were not healthy at all and certainly not part of our healthy schools initiative! All pupils wrote a letter to our parents 

Luna Esprit - Letter to parents about healthy snacks at breaktime

The children used all the evidence available to them and wrote a balanced argument to the debate held in class as to whether they thought the World Cup 2022 should be held in Qatar. They considered the reasons for and against and debated in groups, some children fighting to hold the World Cup in Qatar, whilst others opposing this. Read some of the completed examples below. 

Mia Smith - Should Qatar be hosting The World Cup 2022
Cohan Jones - Should Qatar be hosting The World Cup 2022
Finlay John - Should Qatar be hosting The World Cup 2022
My Movie 3.mov

To develop our translanguaging skills we explored greetings in Welsh, English and Arabic. We had lots of fun trying to pronounce the Arabic words. 

Literacy through sport 

World Cup Penalty - Descriptive Writing.....  The children were asked to imagine they were at the World Cup waiting to take a penalty and record their thoughts and feelings whilst the whole of the  nation watched in anticipation. The quality of writing was certainly enhanced after watching Gareth Bale and his team on the pitch in 

The Final Penalty
Final penalty

International Language Week 

Spanish Week 


CAM: Communicate using British Sign Language

Caffi Cymraeg

During the autumn term, parents/carers had the opportunity to visit our class to play a variety of welsh games and take part in a number of welsh activities with their children.  The games were created by the children and showcased the learning that had taken place during the term.  


CAM: Present population data in an appropriate graph. 

The children were given the population data for Qatar from 1950 - 2020 and were tasked with rounding the data to the nearest 1,000, 10,000 & 100,000. 

The children were then challenged with presenting the population in an appropriate graph. 

CAM:  Present temperature and rainfall data in an appropriate graph. 

The children were presented with the climate data for both Doha and Cardiff and used Google Sheets to present this data in a climate graph. 

Climate Data for Qatar and Wales
Alex Whitter - World cup time zones

CAM: Calculate time intervals. 

Children were challenged with researching the World Cup kick-off times. They then used the time zone map to calculate what the time would be in their home countries.  

CAM: Calculate the average age of the football teams competing in the world cup. 

The children researched the age of each individual player in their 'adopted countries squad' and recorded this data in a Google Sheet. They used their numeracy skills to calculate the average of the team and then used a formula to check whether or not their calculations were correct. 

The children then used the SORT and FILTER tools to answer a variety of questions about their team. e.g. Who was the oldest player? Who was the youngest player? Which players were under 25? Which players were over 30? Players were organised in alphabetical order.  

Children entered the data for their team onto a shared Google sheet and again used the filter and sort tools to identify which team had the youngest/oldest average age in the tournament.  

CAM: Plan a trip to Qatar.

The children were given a budget of £4000 and were asked to plan a 'Once in a lifetime trip to Qatar'. During their trip the children  had to pay for the following: 

Accommodation, flights,  tickets, food and visits to tourist attractions. 

Children get a running balance of the amount spent using Google Sheets and used a range of formulas. 

Children had to make comparisons between prices and thought carefully about how they could get value for their money. 

Digital Competence

Football World Cup Game  

The children were tasked with designing and coding their very own 2022 Football World Cup Maze game in Scratch. Click below to access and play a selection of the completed games. 

Voice-over Videos using Adobe Express 

The children used Adobe Express to create a voice-over video of the Martin Sheen motivational speech that was performed in front of the Welsh football team ahead of their world cup campaign in Qatar. 

The children then used this idea as inspiration to create their very own motivational speeches. These speeches were uploaded to the 'Electric car to Qatar' website and entered into a competition where the winning video would be selected by the Wales manager Robert Page. 

Click on the images below to see a selection of motivational speeches and voice-over videos. 

C'mon Cymru.mp4

Christmas Shopping - 

Each child was 'given' £1000 to spend on buying presents for their friends & family. Each child needed to keep a running total using appropriate formulas in Google Sheets. Children also learnt how to format the columns correctly, shorten URL's and use various keyboard shortcuts.